30 August 2007

Bet Giyorgis

Bet Giyorgis
Originally uploaded by arutgers03

A Lalibela Icon.
A Tribute to St. George.

Holy ceiling!

Holy ceiling!
Originally uploaded by arutgers03

Many of the rock-hewn chruches of Lalibela have little to no lighting. This church, Yemrehanna Kristos, had none. It was an incrdible surprise to point my camera at the ceiling and, with the help of the flash, see the beautiful patterns illuminated. Take a look at the flickr photostream to see more!

26 August 2007

Where am I?

Where am I?
Originally uploaded by arutgers03

Follow some of the places I've visited in Ethiopia on the map if you like

View my photos

My photos are posted on flickr at the following address.
The connections have been extremely slow, but there's been enough lag time in Ethiopia to allow posting. I will try to keep it up as I head south.

Lost Companion

Lost Companion
Originally uploaded by arutgers03

I miss you, bag. I last saw you on 19 Aug 2007 at SFO. The nice people at Virgin Atlantic checked you and put you on the conveyor belt, but I have yet to see you or have any information on you for a week now. Don't worry, though. The authorities know you're missing. They won't help me try to trace you, so we just have to hope they'll do their best on their own. I really would like to have you for my camping trip which starts in a few days; you have so many nice conveniences inside. But it not, I'll do my best to replace your contents and enjoy the rest of the trip. It won't be the same without you, but I'll manage and still have a great time in Africa.